Antivirus API: Malware Protection for Python

In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats lurk around every corner, ensuring the safety and integrity of files in your Python applications is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re building a web application, managing a data pipeline, or crafting automation scripts, the risk of encountering malware-infected files is ever-present. But fear not! In this post, we’ll explore how to harness the power of the attachmentAV API to implement robust virus and malware scanning in your Python projects.

The attachmentAV API offers a straightforward yet powerful solution for developers looking to add an extra layer of security to their applications. With its ability to scan files from various sources - including direct uploads, remote URLs, and even Amazon S3 buckets - this API provides a versatile toolkit for tackling potential threats.

We’ll dive into the different methods offered by the API, from synchronous scans for quick checks to asynchronous operations for handling larger files. You’ll learn how to integrate these scans seamlessly into your Python code, ensuring that every file passing through your system is thoroughly vetted for malicious content.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, by the end of this post, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to significantly enhance the security of your Python applications. Let’s get started on this journey to create safer, more resilient software in an increasingly perilous digital world.

Antivirus API: Malware Protection for Python

Why scanning files for viruses and malware is important for Python developers

Scanning files for malware is crucial for Python developers in various scenarios. Here are three important reasons:

  1. Web Application Security: When developing web applications that allow file uploads, it’s critical to scan all incoming files for malware. This prevents malicious users from uploading infected files that could compromise the server or other users’ systems. For example, if you’re building a file-sharing platform or a content management system, implementing malware scanning can protect your users and maintain the integrity of your application. Scenario: A Python developer creates a cloud storage application. Without malware scanning, an attacker could upload an infected file, which might then be downloaded and executed by other users, potentially spreading malware to many systems.
  2. Data Pipeline Integrity: In data processing pipelines, where Python is often used, files from various sources may be ingested, transformed, and stored. Malware scanning ensures that these pipelines don’t become vectors for malware propagation. Scenario: A data scientist using Python to analyze customer data receives CSV files from multiple sources. If one of these sources is compromised and sends an infected file, it could potentially spread malware throughout the organization’s network when processed.
  3. Automation and Scripting Safety: Python is frequently used for automation tasks and scripting, often involving file operations. When scripts interact with files from external or untrusted sources, malware scanning becomes essential to prevent inadvertent execution of malicious code. Scenario: A Python script is developed to automatically download and process attachments from a company email account. Without proper malware scanning, an infected attachment could be automatically executed, compromising the entire system.

In all these scenarios, implementing malware scanning as part of the Python application or script adds a crucial layer of security. It helps protect not only the immediate system but also prevents the potential spread of malware to other systems or users. This is particularly important given Python’s versatility and its common use in handling data from various sources.

By integrating malware scanning APIs like the one described in the previous documentation, Python developers can easily add this security feature to their applications, enhancing overall system safety and reliability.

Implementing Virus Scanning in Python

Here’s a Python code example that demonstrates how to send a POST request to the specified API endpoint to scan a binary file:

import requests

# API endpoint
url = ""

# Your API key
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Path to the file you want to scan
file_path = "path/to/your/file"

# Headers
headers = {
  "x-api-key": api_key,
  "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"

# Read the file in binary mode
with open(file_path, "rb") as file:
  file_data =

  # Send POST request
  response =, headers=headers, data=file_data, timeout=60)

  # Check if the request was successful
  if response.status_code == 200:
    # Parse the JSON response
    result = response.json()
    print("Scan Result:")
    print(f"Status: {result['status']}")
    if 'finding' in result:
      print(f"Finding: {result['finding']}")
    if 'size' in result:
      print(f"Size: {result['size']} bytes")
    print(f"Error: HTTP {response.status_code}")

except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
  print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

To use this code:

  1. Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key.
  2. Replace "path/to/your/file" with the path to the file you want to scan.
  3. Make sure you have the requests library installed. If not, you can install it using pip: pip install requests

This script does the following:

  1. It sets up the API endpoint URL and your API key.
  2. It specifies the path to the file you want to scan.
  3. It sets up the headers, including the API key and content type.
  4. It reads the file in binary mode.
  5. It sends a POST request to the API with the file data.
  6. If the request is successful (status code 200), it parses the JSON response and prints the scan results.
  7. If there’s an error, it prints the error message.

The script also includes a timeout of 60 seconds as specified in the API documentation. If the request takes longer than 60 seconds, it will raise a Timeout exception.

Remember to handle the file size limit of 10 MB mentioned in the API documentation. You might want to add a check for the file size before sending the request to ensure it doesn’t exceed this limit.

Other API methods

Here’s a summary of the methods described in the API documentation:

POST /v1/scan/sync/download

  • Downloads and scans a file from a remote URL
  • Max file size: 200 MB, timeout: 60 seconds
  • Requires download_url in JSON body
  • Returns scan result (status, finding, size)

POST /v1/scan/sync/binary

  • Uploads and scans a binary file
  • Max file size: 10 MB, timeout: 60 seconds
  • Requires binary data in request body
  • Returns scan result (status, finding, size)

POST /v1/scan/sync/form

  • Uploads and scans a file using multipart/form-data
  • Max file size: 10 MB, timeout: 60 seconds
  • Requires file in form data
  • Returns scan result (status, finding, size)

POST /v1/scan/sync/s3

  • Downloads and scans a file from Amazon S3
  • Max file size: 200 MB, timeout: 60 seconds
  • Requires bucket and key in JSON body
  • Returns scan result (status, finding, size)

POST /api/v1/scan/async/download

  • Asynchronously downloads and scans a file from a remote URL
  • Max file size: 5 GB, request timeout: 29 seconds
  • Requires download_url and callback_url in JSON body
  • Posts result to callback URL

POST /api/v1/scan/async/s3

  • Asynchronously downloads and scans a file from Amazon S3
  • Max file size: 5 GB, request timeout: 29 seconds
  • Requires bucket, key, and callback_url in JSON body
  • Posts result to callback URL

Check out the attachmentAV API documentation for more details.

All methods require an API key passed via the x-api-key header. The async methods supports file sizes up to 5 GB and use a callback URL to receive scan results, while the sync methods return results immediately and supports a file size of up to 10 MB.


In this post, we’ve explored the critical importance of scanning files for viruses and malware in Python applications. We’ve discussed how the attachmentAV API provides a robust, flexible solution for implementing file scanning across various scenarios, from web applications to data pipelines and automation scripts. We’ve covered the API’s key features, including its ability to handle files from multiple sources, its synchronous and asynchronous scanning options, and its ease of integration with Python code.

Don’t leave your applications vulnerable to malware threats. Take the first step towards enhancing your software’s security today: Get started with Virus and Malware Scan API by attachmentAV!

Published on August 1, 2024 | Written by Andreas

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