Update Guide

The latest versions is: v1.2.0

Manual Update (#)

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console.
  3. Select the attachmentAV stack, which is named attachmentav-api in case you followed our documentation.
  4. Go to the Outputs tab.
  5. Search for the value of the output FulfillmentOption.

The following table maps the output values with a description and a CloudFormation template URL. Copy the CloudForamtion template URL, you will need it in the next step.

IdentifierDescriptionCloudFormation Template URL
dedicated-public-vpcDedicated Public VPChttps://s3.amazonaws.com/awsmp-fulfillment-cf-templates-prod/prod-kdpbh7jzghxym/d42892e27b0a4b35a362221085b9d522.template
shared-vpcExisting VPChttps://s3.amazonaws.com/awsmp-fulfillment-cf-templates-prod/prod-kdpbh7jzghxym/fce77d518d6c405b844c1bd84863318b.template
  1. Select the attachmentAV stack, which is named attachmentav-api in case you followed our documentation, and press the Update button.
  2. Select the Replace current template option. Copy and paste the CloudFormation template URL from step one into the Amazon S3 URL input field. Click the Next button.
  3. Keep the defaults in Step 2 Specify stack details and press the Next button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Same for Step 3 Configure stack options. Keep the defaults and click the Next button.
  5. Review the details shown in Step 4 Review, confirm I acknowledge that AWS CloudForamtion might create IAM resources. and press the Submit button
  6. Now, the stack is in status UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS. Typically, the update takes about five minutes.
  7. Wait for the stack to reach status UPDATE_COMPLETE. You are now running the latest version of attachmentAV!

Release Notes (#)

1.2.0 (#)

  • Enrich scan result with Real File Type
  • Tag ENIs and EBS volumes
  • Update Lambda Node.js runtime to version 22
  • Bug fixes
  • Amazon Linux 2023 security updates

1.1.0 (#)

  • Update to Amazon Linux 2023
  • Bug fixes

1.0.0 (#)

  • First release!

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